Cable & Wireless Worldwide FM Integration
G&T has a relationship with Vodafone, both in the UK and worldwide going back more than 10 years. We have provided a wide variety of technical and advisory support to a number of different projects, the cumulative result of which has been the development of a global FM Optimisation toolkit enabling Vodafone to make FM savings across their operating companies around the world.
When Vodafone acquired Cable & Wireless Worldwide (C&WW), a number of complex problems needed to be addressed - both in terms of a need to rationalise the estate and to harmonise FM service standards. Based on our in depth client knowledge, we have been able to support the UK property team with planning and negotiating the transfer of the existing FM arrangements at C&WW into the Vodafone TFM management and delivery model.
Due to the complexity of this transfer, and the parallel rationalisation of the estate, it became necessary to develop a phased approach that addressed the differences between individual services and the emerging revised and refurbished estate.
G&T's support has been both technical - in terms of the contract documents and price proposals - and advisory by providing Vodafone with options to consider together with advising on the proposals and any alternatives being considered.
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