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Integrated Facilities Management Procurement

Southern Water (SW) appointed G&T to provide support with finding a suitable Strategic Partner to deliver Integrated Facilities Management services across its estate.

The project involved procuring an IFM Services contract using Competitive Dialogue Procedure (UCR 2016) and NEC4 Terms of Contract.

G&T's role included:

  • producing the IFM Procurement Strategy and support SW to select the most efficient and effective procurement route
  • developing the Procurement Suite while working with SW's key stakeholders for tailoring (FM Services Specifications including Maintenance, Cleaning, Security, CAFM, Helpdesk, Reception, Business Support Services, Pricing Strategy, Performance Mechanism and Incentive Schedules, Service Matrix and Reporting Schedule)
  • producing relevant documentation, providing guidance and support to SW in decisionmaking over PQQ stage (questions and evaluation methodology), Dialogue Stage (structure, topics, process) and Final Tender Submission Stage (questions and evaluation plan)
  • Supporting NEC4 Terms of Contract drafting (collaborative working with internal SW legal department and external legal NEC4 specialists)
  • project managing and co-ordinating the Competitive Dialogue procurement process under UCR 2016 Regulations (PQQ and shortlist to Invitation to Participate in Dialogue, co-ordinate Dialogue Phase, Invitation to Submit Final Tender, evaluate submissions, conclude the procurement phase with recommendation to award)

The IFM Solution within a strategic partnership will bring significant benefits to Southern Water such as reducing the admin burden (9,000 POs to under 1,000 POs), centralised Helpdesk solution, accurate management information data to support informed decision making and moving from a 90% reactive service delivery to 90% planned.


Southern Water


South-East England

“After a recent Facilities Management market testing review process we decided that the appointment of a partner to help deliver integrated facility management within the business would strengthen our position even further. To complement the skills we have in-house, G&T was able to add extensive domain knowledge and awareness of current sector best practice. G&T became both an organisational and technical content focal point for the duration of the procurement selection event. While their role at the centre of a multi-functional steering group and project team was key to the final successful procurement selection. As we start working with the new IFM supplier, Southern Water has chosen to extend G&T’s contract to support with mobilisation and the transition phase. This very effective partnership has certainly seen Southern Water progress a long way in this area, despite the many business challenges presented by COVID-19 over the last fifteen months.”

Andrew Hunt

Head of Commercial Services, Southern Water

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