
Eco Campus Uws N3 Gtwebland

New Lanarkshire Campus - EcoCampus

G&T was employed by HFD to transform three existing buildings at Hamilton International Park into a £110m EcoCampus for University of the West of Scotland.

A new 'Street Atrium' now links 235,000 sq ft of existing three storey accommodation. Students and staff can move freely around the new Lanarkshire Campus which houses teaching areas, labs, specialist areas, student facilities, conference accommodation, library, café and two receptions. Flexible space has been created and open balconies provide impressive views across the internal street.

The carbon neutral development was granted a £40m funding package from Lloyds Banking Group's Green Lending Initiative and incorporates a host of sustainable features, making UWS one of the UK's greenest university campuses.

Winner - Campus of the Future, Green Gown Awards 2019


HFD Group





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